The following post is from Statement on the CDC’s Health Advisory on COVID-19 Vaccination | ACOG //
Washington, DC – The following is a statement from J. Martin Tucker, MD, FACOG, president, on behalf of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) regarding the CDC’s call for urgent action to increase COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant people:
“Despite recommendations from ACOG and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, as well as other organizations dedicated to maternal health and public health, vaccination rates among pregnant people remain alarmingly low. Unfortunately, obstetrician-gynecologists around the country are witnessing the crisis of unvaccinated pregnant people being hospitalized and dying due to COVID-19 infection. ACOG hopes that today’s health advisory from the CDC, combined with the existing clear medical consensus in support of vaccination, will encourage pregnant people to choose vaccination.
“Our message cannot be stronger or clearer: please get vaccinated today. Whether you are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to become pregnant, or plan to get pregnant in the future, vaccination is safe and effective, and is the best way to protect you from severe complications associated with COVID-19 infection. Further, I urge my fellow ACOG members and all maternal health colleagues to strongly, confidently, and clearly recommend COVID-19 vaccination to their pregnant patients.”
